How it works
How it works
We’ve build Aid Humnity to be as simple and straightforward as possible. Here’s the simplest way to make a difference with just a few clicks…
Create an account
Register to create appeals
Donate to receive rewards
It’s the simple, straightforward, and transparent way to bring people together to make the world a better place. Just what you want to hear when it’s time to devote your time and energy to a good cause that really means something to you.
Want to do even more?
To help incentivise kind-hearted people to do even more, we’ve proud to be able to offfer the chance to make referrals and earn rewards. It’s our way of making sure every good deed is noticed the right way.
What can you do with us?
With Aid Humanity, you have the choice to help in a variety of different ways so that chrity work always fits seamlessly into your everyday life:
You’re the core of what we do, giving funds to help those in need.
You have a vision and you want to see it come to life.
Super Admin
You’ll be one of three directors who see regular updates.
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